Smith PTO Membership is $40 for the 2024/25 school year.

Your support is truly appreciated. 


Everyone is welcome to join the PTO!!


Smith PTO membership helps us provide money for field trips, facility upgrades, academic programs, Fun Fridays, Ski Club, 8th Grade Graduation events, scholarships & much more! 


Help support the 8th grade class of 2025!  Orders are due by April 30th! 


Click HERE to place your order today! 


Not a member?  Click HERE to order! 



8th Grade Fun Night registration is now OPEN!  Click HERE to register your 8th grader! 


**you must be a PTO member to register**  To join the PTO, click HERE.


This event cannot happen without volunteers & donations!  Please click HERE to help or donate!


 For yearbook tributes:




Great News! Membership Toolkit has a mobile app!

Having a hard time viewing information, volunteering or purchasing items through your mobile phone? 





To create a new account, update your existing account or add a New Student to your Family's Profile, Click the link below:


Website Registration is FREE

Smith 411



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